A dash of technology inside our pencils

Dentro le matite, un pizzico di tecnologia

Is there a lot of technology inside a wooden makeup pencil? Well, it depends on how we read the question. The production itself has not changed much in the last years: the machinery has improved, new features have been added, but we’re still working with moulding or extrusion, plus woodworking. If you think about the ingredients we can use in textures, the answer is definitely different.

Traditional ingredients, enhanced

Some raw materials have always been used in cosmetics, but new technologies allow us to use them with better results or in new fields. An example is natural mica, used since ancient times for its shimmery effect. Our Pearl pencils contain mica processed with an innovative technique that creates transparent pearls: the result is an incredibly reflective effect. This solution allows us to replace glass-based beads with a certifiable product.

Solutions to overcome obstacles

The development of new technological solutions also allows us to use ingredients that were unmanageable in wooden pencils until a few years ago. Hyaluronic acid is a case study: it’s a hero ingredient for its moisturising properties, but this power to retain water made it all but unusable in anhydrous products, such as our pencils. Not anymore: there’s a new technology to produce microspheres that contain hyaluronic acid and release it only when the product is applied to the skin. That’s how we’re able to incorporate high percentages of hyaluronic acid in our formulas without affecting stability.

Not your usual ingredients

Waxes or oils, pigments, active ingredients… and much more. With high-tech processing techniques we can incorporate new materials into the texture of makeup pencils, creating effects that were previously reserved for other formats. Our new Brow Boost is a perfect example: we’ve developed a creamy texture and added microscopic fibres obtained from cellulose that give a boost of volume to the eyebrows. We’re also exploring other possibilities.

Special effects, for real

Among the hi-tech solutions we can also count the ingredients that enhance the performance of raw materials or active ingredients. Our R&D team has experimented with different solutions to obtain unprecedented performances from wooden pencils: we’re ready to write the next chapters!

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